Welcome to Helix Support Services

Our mission is to empower and support
individuals with disabilities to live fulfilling lives.

 We are committed to providing person-centred, high-quality
support that promotes independence, choice, and control.

We strive to advocate for our clients and help them navigate the NDIS system to
access the services and supports that best meet their unique needs.

  • NDIS Access Request Support

  • Support Connection Level 1

  • Support Coordination Level 2

  • Psychosocial Recovery Coach

 With our qualified and experienced Support Coordinators,
we strive to offer comprehensive supports that enhance
the lives of our participants.

Raving Reviews


  • A Support Coordinator will help to connect you with all the individual services outlined in your NDIS plan, helping you to get the best out of your funding.

  • Support Coordination is not available to all NDIS participants; when you request Support Coordination funding, the NDIS will assess each person on a case-by-case basis to determine whether your individual circumstances meet the criteria for eligibility or not.

    To assist you in understanding eligibility for Support Coordination below is an outline of circumstances where NDIS Participants may meet eligibility for Support Coordination funding.

    Significant life change:

    A significant life change is an event or occurrence that has a major impact on your ability to live an independent and meaningful life, such as:

    Moving to a new regional area:

    Transitioning to short-term accommodation or shared independent living.

    Leaving school and going to a new day program:

    Exploring accommodation options or being at risk of being homeless.

    At the risk of being removed from a day program or kicked out of employment.

    No existing informal supports:

    If you don’t have an informal support network, such as family or friends with the time or knowledge to help you find and connect with disability services or if you have ageing parents or carers that no longer have the capacity to support you with NDIS Plan. The NDIS may provide funding for a Support Coordinator to assist you.


    Other examples may include:

    Families with multiple disabilities in the family who do not have the capacity to manage and coordinate several NDIS Plans (such as a parent with a disability or two children with disabilities).

    Ageing parents who no longer have the capacity to support you to maintain your daily routines such as meal preparation, assistance to get ready for the day, or transport to and from your support.

    There is a high risk of harmful behaviour, mental health, or justice system involvement that may require urgent intervention and support.

  • The LAC program is a time-limited support that works with the NDIA to build your plan and to start you on your NDIS journey.

    The Support Coordination role is a funded support that will appear on your plan as a Capacity Building Support. The amount of time your coordinator has to work with you will vary for each participant, depending on the budgeted amount. Your support coordinator will work more closely with you to assist you to use your plan to meet your needs and to navigate the NDIS systems.

  • You will find this in the Capacity Building section of your NDIS plan, Support Coordination is typically a stated support item and you will see the category “support coordination” listed. Alternatively you can ask your NDIS contact including LAC, Call NDIS on 1800 800 110 and ask or log on to the NDIS Webchat and ask.

Contact us.

Our commitment to individuality, respect, and empowerment
guides us in assisting each person we serve to reach their
fullest potential and lead fulfilling lives.

Let us help you achieve your goals and navigate the NDIS journey with confidence. Fill out the contact form below or email us at karmen@helixsupport.com and we’ll be in touch.