
NDIS Access Request Support

At Helix Support Services, we help people with disabilities make the most of their NDIS funding and achieve their goals. Our experienced team specialises in supporting individuals with various needs, including those with high physical needs, intellectual disability, autism, mental health challenges, and those living in remote areas. We provide guidance in navigating the NDIS and offer specific expertise in supporting people who need specialist disability accommodation, are young and in residential aged care, or require transitional support. With our help, you can manage your NDIS plan with confidence and ease.

Support Connection Level 1

Helix Support Services offers NDIS-funded support to help participants better understand their plan and connect with NDIS providers, community, mainstream, and other supports to maximise the benefits of their plan. Our goal is to empower participants by increasing their confidence and skills to independently manage their NDIS plan.

Support Coordination Level 2

As an NDIS-funded support coordination provider, Helix Support Coordination helps participants to build their capacity to maintain relationships, manage tasks, live independently, and participate in their community by putting in place a mix of tailored supports. Our support is designed to empower participants to direct their lives and not just their services, building their confidence and skills.

Psychosocial Recovery Coach

Helix Support Services provides NDIS-funded recovery coaching to help individuals with mental health challenges achieve their goals and live purposeful lives. Our recovery coaches offer personalised support to help you access mental health services, understand the NDIS, and find the services and support you need. We offer recovery coaches with lived experience and recommend coaches with a minimum of Certificate 4 in Mental Health or Mental Health Peer work.